2-78 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks

Task 20: Configure Switch Operating Parameters

Use the procedures in this section to set parameters on the switch for
fabric operation through the Configure Switch Parameters dialog box.
These operating parameters are stored in NV-RAM on the switch.
1. The switch must be offline to change Preferred Domain ID and
Management Style parameters. If it is not and you activate values
in this dialog box, a dialog box displays prompting you to set the
unit offline.
Setting the switch offline terminates all Fibre Channel
To set the unit offline:
a. Select Set Online State from the Maintenance menu on the menu
bar along the top of the element manager window.
b. When the Set Online State dialog box displays, click Set Offline.
c. When the warning box displays asking you to confirm the
offline state, click OK.
2. Select Switch Parameters from the Operating Parameters submenu
(Configure menu tab).
3. The Configure Switch Parameters dialog box displays.
Figure 2-68 Configure Switch Parameters Dialog Box