MAP 0600: Port Failure and Link Incident Analysis 3-85
Figure 3-38 Fabric Binding Dialog Box (First)
b. Ensure the Enable Fabric Binding checkbox is enabled
(checked) for both switches.
c. At the first Fabric Binding dialog box (both switches), click Next.
The second Fabric Binding dialog box di splays .
d. At the second Fabric Binding di alo g box (b oth swit ches ) , click
Next. The third Fabric Binding dialog box displays.
e. At the third Fabric Binding dial og box , click Activate for each
switch. The fabric binding feature is consistently enabled for both
f. At the Hardware View for ea ch switc h, click Configure and select
Switch Binding and Change State. The Switch Binding - State
Change dialog box displays .
Figure 3-39 Switch Binding - State Change Dialog Box
g. Ensure the Enable Switch Binding check bo x is enabl ed
(checked) for both switches.