Glossary g-33
main panel (1) The rightmost frame of the windows in EFC Management applica-
tions. (2) The rightmost frame of the embedded web server interface
window. See also navigation panel.
maintenance analysis
procedure MAP. A written or online set of procedures that guide maintenance
personnel through step-by-step instructions for hardware fault isola-
tion, repair, and verification (D).
maintenance port Connector on the director or switch where a PC running an American
National Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) termi-
nal emulator can be attached or dial-up connection made for special-
ized maintenance support.
managed product Hardware product that can be managed with the EFC Product Man-
ager application. McDATA directors and switches are managed prod-
ucts. See also device.
information base MIB. Related set of software objects (variables) containing informa-
tion about a managed device and accessed via simple network man-
agement protocol (SNMP) from a network management station.
management session A session that exists when a user logs on to the EFC Manager applica-
tion. EFC can support multiple concurrent management sessions. The
user must specify the network address of the EFC Manager applica-
tion’s server at logon time.
MAP See maintenance analysis procedure.
matrix See active port address matrix.
Mb Megabit.
MB See megabyte.
Mbps Megabits per second.
MBps Megabytes per second.
media access control
address MAC address. Hardware address of a node (device) connected to a
megabyte MB. A unit of measure for data storage, equal to 1,048,576 bytes. Gen-
erally approximated as one million bytes.