2-112 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
Figure 2-91 Configure Panel (Switch Page with Date/Time Tab)
a. Click the Date fields that require change, and type numbers in
the following ranges:
•Month (MM): 1 through 12.
•Day (DD): 1 through 31.
•Year (YYYY): greater than 1980.
b. Click the Time fields that require change, and type numbers in
the following ranges:
•Hour (HH): 0 through 23.
•Minute (MM): 0 through 59.
•Second (SS): 0 through 59.
2. Click Activate to save and activate the changes. The message Your
changes to the date/time configuration have been successfully
activated appears.
Perform this procedure to configure the switch’s preferred domain
ID, insistent domain ID, rerouting delay, and domain registered state
change notifications (RSCNs). The switch must be set offline to
configure the preferred domain ID. To configure parameters: