Reset or IPL the Switch 4-43
Repair Information
3. Turn off both power switches at the rear of the unit.
4. If servicing the switch, disconnect the power cord(s) from the
input power module at the rear of the switch. This step is not
required when performing a power cycle.

Reset or IPL the Switch

A switch reset using the IML button (at the switch front panel) or IPL
(at the Product Manager application) are functionally equivalent.
Perform partial power-on diagnostics, reset functional logic for
the CTP card, and load firmware from FLASH memory to
random-access memory (RAM) without powering off the switch.
Reset the Ethernet local area network (LAN) interface, causing
the connection to the EFC Server to drop momentarily until the
connection automatically recovers.
Automatically enable changes to an active zone configuration.
Keep all configured fabric logins, name server registrations, and
operating parameters intact.
Automatically set the switch online. The blocked state of each
Fibre Channel port remains intact.
NOTE: A switch reset or IPL should be performed only if a CTP card failure
is indicated. Do not reset or IPL the switch unless directed to do so by a
procedural step or the next level of support.
Reset the Switch Resetting the switch with the IML button causes the switch to
perform an initial machine load (IML) that takes approximately 30
To reset the switch:
1. At the switch front panel, press and hold the IML button for
approximately three seconds.
2. During the reset, the switch-to-EFC Server Ethernet link drops
momentarily and the following occurs at the Product Manager