Task 24: Back Up Configuration Data 2-103
Installation Tasks
4. Click Send Test. Call-home and e-mail test messages are
transmitted and an Information dialog box displays. Click OK to
close the dialog box.
5. Verify with recipients that call-home and e-mail notifications
were received.
Figure 2-84 Call-Home Information Dialog Box
Task 24: Back Up Configuration Data
Back up of critical SAN management configuration data (contained in
the EfcData directory) is provided by the management server. The
server is configured to automatically mirror the contents of the
directory to the CD-RW drive anytime directory contents change or
the server is rebooted. The directory contains all SAN management
configuration data, and is used to restore the management server
operating environment in case of hard drive failure. The EfcData
directory contains:
• SAN management configuration data (switch definitions, user
names and passwords, switch date and time, port configurations,
operating parameters, SNMP recipients, and e-mail recipients).
• Log files (SAN management application logs and Sphereon
3032/3232 element manager application logs).
• Switch firmware versions stored in the firmware library.
• Call-home configuration data.
• Configuration data for the switch is stored in nonvolatile random
access memory (NV-RAM) on the switch’s CTP card, and is
backed up through the element manager application. The data is
recorded in the EfcData directory when a backup is performed.
The server does not back up Windows 2000 operating system data,
such as user names, passwords, date and time, and TCP/IP network
information. This information was recorded while performing