MAP 0700: Fabric, ISL, and Segmented Port Problem Determination 3-107
Failure reason 01 - An invalid data length condition caused an
error in a zone merge frame.
Failure reason 08 - An invalid zone set format caused an error
in a zone merge frame.
Failure reason F0 - A retry limit re ached condition caused an
error in a zone merge frame.
Failure reason F1 - An invalid response length condition caused
an error in a zone merge fram e.
Failure reason F2 - An invalid response code caused an error in
a zone merge frame.
Disconnect the fiber-optic jumper cable from the E_Port reporting the
problem, then reconnect the cable to the same port.
Did disconnecting and reconnecting the cable solve the problem and
was the resulting zone merge process successful?
The merged zone appears operational. Exit MAP.
Perform the data collection procedure and return the CD to McDATA
for analysis. Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
A zone merge process failed during ISL initialization. The following list
explains the reason:
Failure reason 09 - Invalid data caused a zone merge failure.
Failure reason 0A - A Cannot Merge condition caused a zone
merge failure.
Obtain supplementary error code data for the 150 event code.
a. At the Hardware View, click Logs and select Event Log. The
Event Log displays.
b. Examine bytes 12 through 15 of event data that specify the error
code. Record the error code.
Perform the data collection procedure and return the CD to McDATA
for analysis. Contact the next level of support, and report the 150
event code, the associated failure reason, and the associated error
code. Exit MAP.