Task 21: Configure Fabric Operating Parameters 2-87
Installation Tasks
Figure 2-71 Configure Ports Dialog Box (FICON Management Style)
a. Click the 10-100 km check box to enable extended distance
buffering for a port. A check mark in the box indicates
extended distance operation up to 100 kilometers (through
repeaters) is enabled.
b. Click the LIN Alerts check box to enable or disable LIN alerts
for a port. A check mark in the box indicates alerts are
enabled. When the feature is enabled and an incident occurs
on the link, an alert indicator (yellow triangle) displays at the
Hardware View, Port List View, and Port Card View, and a
message is sent to configured e-mail recipients. LIN alerts are
enabled by default.
WWN Binding
Click this check box to display a check mark and enable WWN
binding for the port. This allows only a specific device to attach to
the port. This device is specified by the WWN or nickname
entered into the Bound WWN column. With the check box cleared,
any device can attach to the port even if a WWN or nickname is
specified in the Bound WWN column.
•Bound WWN
Enter a world wide name (WWN) in the proper format
(xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx) or a nickname configured through the
element manager application. The device with this WWN or