2-98 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
Figure 2-80 New Threshold Alerts Dialog Box - Second Screen
6. Enter a percentage from 1 through 100 for % utilization. When
throughput reaches this percentage of port capacity, a threshold
alert will occur.
7. Enter the amount of cumulative minutes in which the %
utilization should exist during the notification interval before an
alert is generated. You can also select At any time if you want an
alert to occur whenever the set % utilization is reached. The valid
range is 1to the interval set in step 8 (following).
8. Enter the interval in minutes in which throughput is measured
and threshold notifications can occur. The valid range is 5
minutes to 70,560 minutes.
9. Click Next.
A new screen appears for selecting ports for the alerts.