MAP 0600: Port Failure and Link Incident Analysis 3-77
Does a yellow triangle (attention indicator) appear adjacent to a port
graphic at the Hardware View?
Go to step 17.
Inspect the port state and LED status for all ports with an attention
a. At the Hardware View, double-click the port graphic with the
attention indicator. The Port Prope rties dialog box displays.
b. Inspect the Operational State field at the Port Properties dialog
box, and the emulated green and amber LEDs adjacent to the
port at the Hardware View.
c. Table 3-5 lists LED and port operational state combinations and
associated MAP 0600 (or other) steps that describe fault
isolation procedures.
Table 3-5 Port Operational and LED States (EFC Server)
Operational State Green LED Amber LED Action
Offline Off Off Go to step 19.
Not Operational Off Off Go to step 19.
Testing Off Blinking Internal loopback test in
process. Exit MAP.
Testing On Blinking External loopback test in
process. Exit MAP.
Beaconing Off or On Blinking Go to step 20.
Invalid Attachment On Off Go to step 22.
Link Reset Off Off Go to step 33.
Link Incident Off Off Go to step 34.
Segmented E_Port On Off Go to MAP 0700.