B-36 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Installation and Service Manual
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 430
Message: Excessive Ethernet transmit errors
Severity: Informational
Explanation: The transmit error counters for the Ethernet adapter on the active CTP card (sum of all counters) exceeded a
threshold. This does not indicate a CTP card failure but indicates a possible problem with either the Ethernet
cable or hub, or another device on the same Ethernet segment. All counters in the event data are represented in
hexadecimal with the least significant byte first (e.g., event data 56 34 12 00 represents the counter value
Action: Verify that the cable and Ethernet hub, and other devices connected to the same segment are working properly.
Event Data: Bytes 0-3: Total ethernet transmit errors (Sum of all xmit errors).
Bytes 4-7: Loss of CRS count (Count of frames sent where Ethernet adapter does not see Carrier Sense at the
end of the preamble).
Bytes 8-11: SQE error count (Count of frames where the Ethernet adapter did not see collision within 64 bit times
at the end of the transmission).
Bytes 12-15: Out of window count (Count of frames where the Ethernet adapter detects a collision more than 512
bit times after the first bit of the preamble. The frame is not transmitted).
Bytes 16-19: Jabber count: (Count of frames where the transmission is more than 26 milliseconds. The frame is
not transmitted).
Bytes 20-23: 16-collision count: (Count of frames where the Ethernet adapter encounters 16 collisions while
attempting to transmit a frame. The frame is not transmitted).
Distribution: Switch EFC Server Host
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