Port Module Events (500 through 599) B-53
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 507
Message: Loopback diagnostics port failure
Severity: Informational
Explanation: A loopback diagnostic test detected a port failure. Loopback diagnostics are initiated through the EFC Manager
or as a result of the hot insertion of a port module (on supported models).
Action: No action required. There will be an additional event generated (506) if the diagnostic failure incident results in a
port failure.
Event Data: Byte 0 = Port number (00-8F)
Byte 1 = Failure reason code
0x00 = Unable to generate test frame
0x01 = Unable to send test frame
0x02 = Timed out waiting for test frame
0x00 = Received frame contained invalid/corrupt data
0x04 = External wrap test requires active link
0x05 = Routing table test failed
0x06 = No bit sync achieved.
0x07 = VC rare event status register is set.
0x10 = Port’s maximum speed is less than the backplane speed.
0x11 = Unrecognized module/chip revision.
0x12 = SERDES read failed.
Bytes 4-7 = Elapsed millisecond tick count
Byte 8 = Test type:
0x01 = Internal wrap
0x02 = External wrap
0x03 = Hotplug
0x05 = Internal BIST
0x06 = External BIST
0x08 = Internal EMC loopback
0x09 = External EMC loopback
0x0A = Internal system loopback
0x0B = External system loopback
Bytes 12-13 = SB rare event register contents
Bytes 14-15 = BB rare event register contents
Bytes 16-17 = RD rare event register contents
Bytes 18-19 = FE rare event register contents
Bytes 20-21 = QM rare event register contents
Bytes 22 = WR rare event register contents
Bytes 23 = RD rare event register contents