Task 25: Configure the Switch from the SANpilot Interface (Optional) 2-107
Installation Tasks
• Configure SNMP trap message recipients, enable the command
line interface (CLI), and configure the open systems management
server (OSMS) feature.
• Configure administrator and operator passwords.
• Install switch product feature enablement (PFE) keys.
Perform procedures under this task to configure the switch from the
SANpilot interface. A PC platform with Internet access and standard
web browser running Netscape Navigator 4.6 or higher or Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher is required.
1. Connect the switch to the Internet or Ethernet LAN segment as
a. Connect one end of the Ethernet patch cable (supplied with
the switch) to the RJ-45 connector (labelled 10/100) on the left
front of the switch chassis.
b. Connect the remaining end of the Ethernet cable as follows:
• Connect the cable to an Internet port or Internet-connected
LAN segment as directed by the customer’s network
administrator, or
• If the McDATA-supplied Ethernet hub installed in Task 2:
Unpack, Inspect, and Install the Ethernet Hub (Optional) on
page 2-8 provides Internet connectivity, connect the cable
to any available hub port.
2. Open the SANpilot interface as follows:
a. Ensure the browser-capable PC and the Ethernet LAN
segment (with the Sphereon 4500 Switch attached) are
connected through the Internet. At the PC, launch the browser
application (Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer).
b. At the browser, enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the
switch as the Internet uniform resource locator (URL). Use the
default IP address of The Enter Network Password
dialog box displays (Figure 2-87).