B-34 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Installation and Service Manual
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 421
Message: Firmware download complete
Severity: Informational
Explanation: A new version of the switch firmware was successfully downloaded from the EFC Server or from the SANpilot.
Action: No action required
Event Data: New firmware release level (ASCII) in the format: FF.MM.II BBBB
FF: Bytes 0-1 = Function release level
MM: Bytes 3-4 = Maintenance release level
II: Bytes 6-7 = Interim release level
BBBBB: Bytes 9-12 = Build ID
Example: 30 31 2E 30 32 2E 30 30 20 30 30 34 38 = Release 10.02.00 Build 0048
Release format punctuation is incorporated in data and formatted in ASCII.
Only the first byte of word 3 is used.
Data is an array of bytes eliminating any LSB/MSB considerations.
Distribution: Switch EFC Server Host
Event Log
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