B-64 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Installation and Service Manual
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 584
Message: Not Operational primitive sequence (NOS) received
Severity: Major
Explanation: The Not-Operational Primitive Sequence (NOS) has been recognized by the incident node (see FC-PH clause
Action: A Link-incident Record (LIR) is generated and sent to the host using the link-incident reporting procedure defined
in the T11/99-017v0 document. If, after fault isolation is performed by the host, it is determined that the incident is
because of a port failure, perform a data collection procedure for this switch using the EFC Manager, and return
CD to McDATA for analysis.
Event Data: Byte 0 = Port number (00-8F)
Bytes 4-7 = Elapsed millisecond tick count
Bytes 8-11 = Port state indicators
0x00 = Active
0x01 = OLIB
0x05 = LR1
0x06 = LR2
0x07 = LR3
0x09 = LF2
0x0A = LF1
0x0C = OL1A
0x0D = OL1C
0x0E = OL2
0x0F = OL3.
Distribution: Switch EFC Server Host
Event Log
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