3-114 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
1. The green LCD panel illuminates.
2. The green HDD LED blinks momentarily, and processor
speed and random-access memory information display
momentarily at the LCD panel.
3. After a few seconds, the LCD panel displays the following
message pertaining to boot sequence selection
(Figure 3-53):
Figure 3-53 LCD Panel During Boot Sequence
4. Ignore the message. After ten seconds, the server performs
the boot sequence from BIOS. During the boot sequence, the
server performs additional POSTs and displays the following
operational information at the LCD panel:
•Host name.
• System date and time.
• LAN 1 and LAN 2 IP addresses.
• Fan 1, fan 2, fan 3, and fan 4 rotational speed.
• CPU temperature.
• Hard disk capacity.
• Virtual and physic al mem or y cap ac ity.
d. After successful POST completion, the LCD panel displays a
Welcome!! message, then continuously cycles through and
displays server operational information.
e. After rebooting the server at the LCD panel, log on to the EFC
Server’s Windows 2000 desktop through a LAN connection to a
browser-ca pab le PC. Refer to Acces s the Managem ent Server
Desktop on page 2-30 for instructions.The EFC Management
Services and EFC Manager applications start and the EFC
Manage r Login dialog box displays (Figure 3-52 on page 3-112).
f. At the EFC Manager Login dialog box, type a user name,
password, and EFC Server name (obtained in MAP 0000: Start
MAP on page 3-6, and case sensitive), and click Login. The EFC
Manager application opens and the Products View displays.
Boot from LAN?
Press <Enter>