Task 21: Configure Fabric Operating Parameters 2-91
Installation Tasks

Configure SNMP

Trap Message


Perform this procedure to configure community names, write
authorizations, and network addresses and for up to 12 SNMP trap
message recipients. A trap recipient is a management workstation
that receives notification (through SNMP) if a switch event occurs.
To configure SNMP trap recipients:
1. At the Hardware View for the selected switch, click the Configure
icon at the navigation control panel and select SNMP from the
Configure menu. The Configure SNMP dialog box displays.
Figure 2-74 Configure SNMP Dialog Box
a. For each trap recipient to be configured, type a community
name of 64 alphanumeric characters or less in the associated
Community Name field. The community name is incorporated
in SNMP trap messages to ensure against unauthorized
viewing or use.
b. Click the check box in the Write Authorization column to enable
or disable write authorization for the trap recipient (default is
disabled). A check mark in the box indicates write
authorization is enabled. When the feature is enabled, a
management workstation user can change the management
server’s sysContact, sysName, and sysLocation SNMP variables.
c. Type the IP address or DNS host name of the trap recipient
(SNMP management workstation) in the associated Trap
Recipient field. Use 32 alphanumeric characters or less. It is
recommended the IP address be used.