g-12 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
All log files
Call-home settings
Firmware library
Zoning library
datagram Synonym for Class 3 Fibre Channel service.
dB See decibel.
dBm Decibels referenced to one milliwatt. Zero dBm equals one milliwatt,
with a logarithmic relationship as the value increases (D).
DC See direct current.
decibel Abbreviated as dB. A standard unit used to express gain or loss of
optical power, expressed as the ratio of input power to output power
on a logarithmic basis (D).
default Pertaining to an attribute, value, or option that is assumed by a sys-
tem when none is explicitly specified (D, I).
default zone A zone that contains all attached devices that are not members of a
separate active zone.
destination A point or location, such as a processor, director or switch, or server,
to which data is transmitted (D).
device (1) Mechanical, electrical, or electronic hardware with a specific pur-
pose (D). See also managed product.
(2) See node.
diagnostics (1) The process of investigating the cause or nature of a problem in a
product or system. (2) Procedures or tests used by computer users
and service personnel to diagnose hardware or software problems
dialog box A pop-up window in the user interface with informational messages
or fields to be modified or completed with desired options.
direct current DC. Electric current that continuously flows in one direction (D). Con-
trast with alternating current.