2-104 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Installation Tasks
installation tasks, and verified while performing Task 14: Record or
Verify Management Server Restore Information on page 2-53.
To back up management server configuration data and create a base
EfcData restore CD:
1. Insert a blank rewritable CD into the CD-RW drive and format
the CD.
a. At the Windows 2000 desktop, locate the InCD icon at the
right side of the task bar.
b. Right click the icon and select Format (F). The first window of
the InCD wizard displays.
c. Click Next to proceed to the second window of the InCD
wizard. Use the default parametersdisplayed at each window,
and click Next and Finish as appropriate to complete the CD
formatting task.
d. When the rewritable CD is formatted, the red down arrow
associated with the InCD icon changes to a green up arrow.
2. Back up the switch configuration file to the management server.
3. If the Hardware View is open, close the view and return to the
Products View by clicking close (X) at the upper right corner of the
4. Close the SAN management application by selecting Exit from
the Product menu.
5. Reboot the management server to cause EfcData directory
contents to be written to the blank CD:
a. At the Windows 2000 desktop, click Start at the left side of the
task bar (bottom of the desktop), then select Shut Down. The
Shut Down Windows dialog box displays (Figure 2-85).