MAP 0000: Start MAP 3-27
The switch appears operational.
A fan failure is indicated. Continue to the next step to obtain event
codes. If no event codes are found, go to MAP 0500: Fan and CTP
Card Failure Analysis on page 3-67.
Obtain event codes from the SANpilot event log.
If multipl e event codes are fou nd, note all co des and associate d severity
levels . R ec ord the dat e, ti me , and listed seq uence, and d etermine if the
codes are related to the reported problem. Begin fault isolation with the
most rec ent even t code with the highe st sever ity level . Other c odes may
accompany this event code, or may indicate a normal indication after a
problem is recovered.
a. At the View panel, select Monitor at the left side of the panel.
The Monitor panel opens with the Port List page displayed.
b. At the Monitor panel, click the Log tab. The Monitor panel (Log
tab) displays.
c. Record the event code, date, time, and severity (Informational,
Minor, Major, or Severe).
d. Record all event codes that may relate to the reported problem.
Were one or more event codes found? *
Return to the MAP step that sent you here.
Go to Table 3-3 on page 3-3.