1-4 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
General Information
Figure 1-1 illustrates out-of-band product management. In the figure,
the managed product is a Sphereon fabric switch.
Figure 1-1 Out-of-Band Product Management
The following inband management access methods are provided as
Management through the product’s open-system management
server (OSMS) that communicates with an application client. The
application resides on an open-systems interconnection (OSI)
device attached to a switch port, and communicates using Fibre
Channel common transport (FC-CT) protocol. Product operation,
port connectivity, zoning, and fabric control are managed through
a device-attached console.
Management through the product’s Fibre Connection (FICON)
management server (FMS) that communicates with the IBM
System Automation for OS/390 (SA OS/390) operating system.
The operating system resides on an IBM System/390 or zSeries
900 Parallel Enterprise Server attached to a director or switch
port, and communicates through a FICON channel. Control of
connectivity and statistical product monitoring are provided
through a host-attached console.