MAP 0800: Server Hardware Problem Determination 3-113
Did the EFC Manager Login dialog box display?
↓Go to step 9.
At the EFC Manager Login dialog box, type a user name, password,
and EFC Server name (obtained in MAP 0000: Start MAP on
page 3-6, and case sensitive), and click Login. The EFC Manager
application opens and the Products View displays.
Did the Products View display and does the EFC Manager application
appear operational?
↓The server appears operational. Exit MAP.
Perform one of the following:
• If the server has standalone diagnostic test programs resident
on the hard drive, perform the diagnostics. Refer to supporting
documentation shipped with the server for instructions.
• If the server does not have standalone diagnostic test programs
resident on hard drive, go to step 10.
Did diagnostic test programs detect a problem?
↓Refer to the supporting documentation shipped with the
server for instructions to resolve the problem. Exit MAP.
Reboot the server.
a. At the Windows 2000 desktop, click Start at the left side of the
task bar (bottom of the desktop), then select Shut Down. The
Shut Down Windows dialog box displays (Figure 3-50 on
page 3-111).
b. Select the Shut Down option from the list box and click OK. The
EFC Server power s down .
c. W ait approximately 30 seconds and press the power ( ) button
on the LCD panel to power on the server and perform POSTs.
During POSTs: