Maintenance Analysis Procedures 3-3
Table 3-3 Event Codes versus Maintenance Action
Code Explanation Action
001 System power-down. Power on switch.
011 Login server database invalid. Go to MAP 0700.
021 Name server database invalid. Go to MAP 0700.
031 SNMP request received from unauthorized community. Add community name.
051 Management server database invalid. Go to MAP 0700.
052 Management server internal error. Go to MAP 0700.
061 Fabric controller database invalid. Go to MAP 0700.
062 Maximum interswitch hop count exceeded. Go to MAP 0700.
063 Remote switch has too many ISLs Reduce no. of ISLs
070 E_Port is segmented. Go to MAP 0700.
071 Switch is isolated. Go to MAP 0700.
072 E_Port connected to an unsupported switch. Go to MAP 0700.
073 Fabric Init Error Perform data
collection and contact
service representative.
074 ISL frame delivery error threshold Perform data
collection and contact
service representative.
080 Unauthorized world wide name Go to MAP 0600
081 Port has been set to Invalid Attachment state Go to MAP 0700.
120 Error detected while processing system management
Perform data
collection and contact
service representative.
121 Zone set activation failed. Zone set too large Reduce zone size.
200 Power supply ac voltage failure. Go to MAP 0100.
201 Power supply DC voltage failure. Go to MAP 0100.
202 Power supply thermal failure. Go to MAP 0100.