Glossary g-23
Fibre Channel I/O
controller FCC-IOC. In a director, the integrated controller on the control pro-
cessor (CTP) card dedicated to the task of managing the embedded
Fibre Channel port. In a director or switch, the FCC-IOC controls the
embedded Fibre Channel port and configures the ports’ applica-
tion-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
Fibre Channel IP
address FC IP. The default FC IP on a new switch is a temporary number
divided by the switch’s world-wide name (WWN). The system
administrator needs to enter a valid IP address.
Fibre Channel
framework integration
FCMGMT. A standard defined by the Fibre Alliance to provide easy
management for Fibre Channel-based devices such as switches, hubs,
and host-bus adapters.
Fibre Channel
physical and signaling
FC-PH. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) document
that specifies the FC-0 (physical signaling), FC-1 (data encoding), and
FC-2 (frame construct) layers of the Fibre Channel protocol (D).
Fibre Channel
standard American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard that provides
a common, efficient data transport system that supports multiple pro-
tocols. The architecture integrates both channel and network technol-
ogies, and provides active, intelligent interconnection among devices.
All data transmission is isolated from the control protocol, allowing
use of point-to-point, arbitrated loop, or switched fabric topologies to
meet the needs of an application.
Fibre Connection FICON. An IBM set of products and services introduced in 1999 that
is based on the Fibre Channel Standard. FICON technology uses
fiber-optic cables as the data transmission medium, and significantly
improves I/O performance (including one Gbps bi-directional data
transfer). FICON is designed to coexist with ESCON™ channels, and
FICON-to-ESCON control unit connections are supported.
fibre port module FPM. A 1 gigabit-per-second module that contains four generic ports
FICON See Fibre Connection.
FICON Management
Server An optional feature that can be enabled on the director or switch or
switch through the Product Manager application. When enabled, host
control and management of the director or switch or switch is pro-
vided through an S/390 Parallel Enterprise or 2/Series Server
attached to a director or switch or switch port.