Install or Upgrade Software 4-61
Repair Information
h. When the process completes, click Close to close the dialog
box. The new software version executable file is downloaded
and saved to the EFC Server or PC hard drive.
i. If the executable file was downloaded to a PC (not the EFC
Server), transfer the firmware version file to the EFC Server by
diskette or other electronic means.
j. Go to step 5.
4. Insert the EFC Management Applications CD-ROM into the
CD-ROM drive of the service processor.
5. At the EFC Server, click the Windows Start button. The Windows
2000 Workstation menu displays.
6. At the Windows 2000 Workstation menu, select Run. The Run
dialog box appears.
7. At the Run dialog box, type D:\mcdataServerInstall in the
Open field.
8. Click OK. A series of message boxes appear as the InstallAnywhere
third-party application prepares to install the EFC Manager
software, followed by the McDATA EFC Management Applications
dialog box.