3-104 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Figure 3-48 Configure Fabric Parameters Dialog Box
d. At the Switch Priority field, select Principal, Never Princi pal, or
Default (the default setting is Default). Then click Activate.
e. Set the switch online (Set Online State on page 4-45)
Did the switch priority change solve the problem and did both
switches join through the ISL to form a fabric?
↓The switches, associated ISL, and multiswitch fabric appear
Contact the next level of support.
switch E_Port segmented (at an operational switch) because a
response (hello timeout) to a verification check indicates an attached
switch is not opera tio nal .
a. Perform the data collection procedure at the operational switch
and return the CD to McDATA for analysis. This information may
assist in fault isolating the failed switch.
b. Go to MAP 0000: Start MAP on page 3-6 and perform fault
isolation for the failed switch.
Exit MAP.
As indicated by an event code 072, a switch E_Port is connected to
an unsupported switch or fabric element.