3-106 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Did the corrective action solve the problem and relieve the reported
low BB_Credit condition?
↓The ISL appears operational. Exit MAP.
Contact the next level of support. Exit MAP.
A 150 event code indicates a zone merge process failed during ISL
initialization. Either an incompatible zone set was detected or a
problem occurred during delivery of a zone merge frame. This event
code always precedes a 070 event code, and repr esents the reply of
an adjacent fabric element in response to a zone merge frame.
Obtain supplementary event data for each 150 event code.
a. At the Hardware View, click Logs and select Event Log. The
Event Log displays.
b. Examine the first 12 bytes (0 through 11) of event data.
c. Bytes 0 through 3 specify the E_Port number (00 through 23)
reporting the pr obl em. Bytes 8 through 11 specify the failure
reason as spec ifi ed in Table 3-6 on page 3-106.
A zone merge process failed during ISL initialization. The following list
explains the reason:
Table 3-6 Bytes 8 through 11 Failure Reasons and Actions
Bytes 8 - 11 Failure Reason Action
01 Invalid data length. Go to step 26.
08 Invalid zone set format. Go to step 26.
09 Invalid data. Go to step 27.
0A Cannot merge. Go to step 27.
F0 Retry limit reached. Go to step 26.
F1 Invalid response length. Go to step 26.
F2 Invalid response code. Go to step 26.