g-20 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
fabric login The process by which node ports (N_Ports) establish their operating
parameters. During fabric login, the presence or absence of a fabric is
determined, and paths to other N_Ports are mapped. Specific operat-
ing characteristics for each port, such as buffer-to-buffer credit
(BB_Credit) and data frame size, are also established.
fabric login command FLOGI. The command that establishes the initial operating parame-
ters and topology for a fabric. The command is accepted by a fabric
port (F_Port).
fabric mode See interoperability mode.
fabric port F_Port. Physical interface within the fabric that connects to a node
port (N_Port) through a point-to-point full duplex connection. See
also bridge port; expansion port; generic port; node port; segmented
expansion port.
fabric services The services that implement the various Fibre Channel protocol ser-
vices that are described in the standards. These services include the
fabric controller (login server), name server, and management server.
fabric switches A device which allows the communication between multiple devices
using Fibre Channel protocols. A fabric switch enables the sharing
bandwidth and end-nodes using basic multiplexing techniques.
failover Automatic and nondisruptive transition of functions from an active
field-replaceable unit (FRU) that has failed to a backup FRU.
FC See Fibre Channel.
FC-0 The Fibre Channel layer that describes the physical link between two
ports, including the transmission media, transmitter and receiver cir-
cuitry, and interfaces (D). This consists of a pair of either optical fiber
or electrical cables (link media) along with transceiver circuitry which
work together to convert a stream of bits at one end of the link to a
stream of bits at the other end.
FC-1 Middle layer of the Fibre Channel physical and signaling interface
(FC-PH) standard, defining the 8B/10B encoding/decoding and
transmission protocol.
FC-2 The Fibre Channel layer that specifies the signaling protocol, rules,
and mechanisms required to transfer data blocks. The FC-2 layer is
very complex and provides different classes of service, packetization,