Glossary g-9
transports data from one point to the other. (3) A connection or socket
on the motherboard to controller card. A motherboard may have only
one or two channels (primary and secondary). If a motherboard has
only one channel, it may be necessary to add a controller card to cre-
ate a secondary channel.
channel-attached (1) Pertaining to direct attachment of devices by data I/O channels to
a computer. (2) Pertaining to devices attached to a control unit by
cables, not telecommunication lines (D). Synonymous with local.
channel wrap test A diagnostic procedure that checks S/390 host-to-director or
host-to-switch connectivity by returning the output of the host as
input. The test is host-initiated and transmits Fibre Channel frames to
a director or switch port. A director or switch port enabled for chan-
nel wrapping echoes the frame back to the host.
Class 2 Fibre Channel
service Provides a connectionless (not dedicated) service with notification of
delivery or nondelivery between two node ports (N_Ports).
Class 3 Fibre Channel
service Provides a connectionless (not dedicated) service without notification
of delivery or nondelivery between two node ports (N_Ports). Synon-
ymous with datagram.
Class F Fibre Channel
service Used by switches to communicate across interswitch links (ISLs) to
configure, control, and coordinate a multiswitch fabric.
Class of Fibre Channel
service Defines the level of connection dedication, acknowledgment, and
other characteristics of a connection.
command (1) A character string from an external source to a system that repre-
sents a request for system action. (2) A request from a terminal to per-
form an operation or execute a program. (3) A value sent through an
I/O interface from a channel to a control unit that specifies the opera-
tion to be performed (D).
communications tray The communications tray is a sliding tray located in the middle of the
Fabricenter cabinet. The communications tray holds the laptop per-
sonal computer (PC), zip drive, and zip drive power supply.
community name
(SNMP) A name that represents an simple network management protocol
(SNMP) community that the agent software recognizes as a valid
source for SNMP requests. A product recognizes a management sta-
tion as a valid recipient for trap information when the station’s com-
munity names are configured.