McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual 7
measures are required to correct the interference. Any modifications
or changes made to the switches without explicit approval from
McDATA, by means of a written endorsement or through published
literature, will invalidate the service contract and void the warranty
agreement with McDATA.
Chinese Class A
Product Statement
European Union
Declarations for
The Sphereon 3016 and 3216 Switches meet the following regulatory
requirements as set forth by European Norms (ENs) and
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards for
commercial and light industrial information technology equipment
EN55022 1994+A (1995), A2 (1997) Class A: ITE-generic radio
frequency interference (RFI) emission standard for domestic,
commercial, and light industrial environments (equivalent to
CISPR 22 Class A).
EN50082-1 (IEC61000-4x): ITE-generic electromagnetic
compatibility and immunity standard for domestic, commercial,
and light industrial environments.
EN61000-3-2: Generic standard for domestic, commercial, and
light industrial environments that proscribes limitations for
harmonic current emissions.
EN61000-3-3: Generic standard for domestic, commercial, and
light industrial environments that proscribes limitations for
voltage fluctuation and flicker in low-voltage supply systems.
EN60950/IEC 950: ITE-generic electrical and fire safety standard
for domestic, commercial, and light industrial environments.
European Union
Directives The European Union (EU) Council has implemented a series of
directives that define product safety standards for all EU member
countries. The following directives apply to the Sphereon 3016 and
3216 Switches: