MPC Module Events (600 through 699) B-71
Event Code Tables
Event Code: 604
Message: SBAR module failure
Severity: Major
Explanation: A failure criteria associated with the serial crossbar hardware module has been met.
Action: Perform the data collection procedure for the switch using the EFC Manager, and return the CD to McDATA for
Event Data: Byte 0 = Slot position
Byte 1 = Reason code
00 = Operator requested with debug command
02 = Initialization failure
03 = Hot plug/power up diagnostics failure acknowledgement
04 = Communications with hardware is irregular or non-existent
05 = Read of module ID failed
06 = High availability statistical error threshold reached
07 = Communication with hardware is irregular or non-existent
Bytes 4-7 = Elapsed millisecond tick counter
Bytes 8-11 = Reason code specific data
Distribution: Switch EFC Server Host
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