Task 25: Configure the Switch from the SANpilot Interface (Optional) 2-133
Installation Tasks
b. Click the Online State tab, then click Set Offline. The message
Your operations changes have been successfully activated
2. At the Configure panel, select the Operations option at the left side
of the panel. The Operations panel opens with the Switch page
3. Click the Feature Installation tab. The Operations panel opens with
the Feature Installation page displayed (Figure 2-105).
Figure 2-105 Operations Panel (Feature Installation Tab)
4. Type the PFE key and click Activate. The interface displays a
confirmation page with a warning, stating this action overrides
the current set of switch features.
5. Click Activate to activate the new PFE key. The switch performs
an IPL when the key is activated.
NOTE: When Activate is selected, all current features are replaced with
new features.
6. Set the switch online as follows:
a. At the Configure panel, select the Operations option at the left
side of the panel. The Operations panel opens and the Switch
page displays with the Beacon tab selected