4-6 McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
Repair Information
EFC Session Log The Session Log displays a session (login and logout) history for the
EFC Server, including the date and time, user name, and network
address of each session. This information is useful for system
administrators and users. To open the Session Log, select Session Log
from the Logs menu at the Products View.
For a description of the Session Log and an explanation of button
functions at the bottom of the log window, refer to the McDATA
Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager User Manual (620-005001).

EFC Product Status

Log The Product Status Log (Figure 4-2) records an entry when the status
of a switch changes. The log reflects the previous status and current
status of the switch, and indicates the instance of a Sphereon
3032/3232 Product Manager application that should be opened to
investigate a problem. The information is useful to maintenance
personnel for fault isolation and repair verification.
To open the Product Status Log, select Product Status Log from the Logs
menu at the Products View.
Figure 4-2 Product Status Log
The log contains the following columns:
Date/Time - the date and time the switch status change occurred.
Network Address - the IP address or configured name of the
switch. This address or name corresponds to the address or name
displayed under the switch icon at the Product View.
Previous Status - the status of the switch prior to the reported
status change (Operational, Degraded, Failed, or Unknown). An
Unknown status indicates the EFC Manager application cannot
communicate with the switch.