| Page |
Problem | Cause | Remedy | referen |
| ce |
The data is | An | Ask the sender to send a | - |
received, but | of an incompatible format |
| |
not printed. | attached or with no data was |
| received. |
| The setting to print received | In order to print received | p. |
| documents has not been | documents, select the setting |
| specified. | to print received documents. |
| The memory is full. | Print saved documents and | - |
| reduce the amount of memory |
| that is used, and then ask the |
| sender to send the data again. |
| Other causes | Touch the [Com.] button on | p. |
| the Job List screen to check | p. |
| the details of the transmission |
| error, and then refer to the |
| table of error codes. |
Binary code | Data in a format other than | If data in a format other than | - |
data was | MIME is attached or the mail | MIME is attached, the binary |
received | was received through a server | codes are printed as is as text. |
(printed). | that is not compatible with | (This is not a malfunction of |
| MIME. | the device.) |
| Ask the sender to send the |
| data as MIME. |
The same | Since the size of the mail is too | Specify that the data be kept | - |
document is | large, the connection with the | on the computer, and delete |
received many | server times out while the data | the corresponding |
times. | is being received. | messages from the server. |
| Ask the sender to try sending |
| |
| sizes. |
An interruption | It takes some time to interrupt | Wait until the reception is | - |
in the | an Internet fax reception. | interrupted. |
reception was |
specified, but |
the reception |
was not |
interrupted. |
The POP3 | After the previous POP3 | Once the POP3 reception | p. |
reception error | reception failed, a POP3 | error icon appears, it does not |
icon does not | reception operation has not | disappear until a reception is |
disappear. | been performed since the time | completed successfully. |
| until the next automatic check | Reduce the time until the next |
| for new messages has not | automatic check for new |
| elapsed. | messages and check that a |
| POP3 reception is completed |
| successfully. |
Scanner Mode |