| Page |
Problem | Cause | Remedy | referen |
| ce |
The message | Other software is using this | The mail server and IP | - |
“ImageReceiver | port. | Scanner cannot be used |
detectedconflict |
| together. Do not start up the |
of xxx” appears. |
| mail server. In addition, if |
| other software is the cause, |
| close that software that |
| causing the problem. Follow |
| the instructions to change the |
| port. |
The message | IP Scanner or Image Receiver | Restart the computer. If the | p. |
“Connection | is not operating correctly. | problem is still not resolved, |
Failure with |
| uninstall IP Scanner, and then |
ImageReceiver” |
| install it again. |
appears. |
The message | The received data is | Close Image Receiver, and | - |
“Failed to | unusable. | then, after starting it up again, |
create image |
| perform the scan transmission |
files” appears. |
| again. |
| When Image Receiver is |
| closed, received data that has |
| not yet been processed with |
| IP Scanner will be deleted. |
| A high load was temporarily | While receiving the scan | - |
| placed on the computer. | transmission image, |
| complicated processes |
| cannot be performed by the |
| computer. |
| The file size of the received | The received data may have | - |
| data is large. | exceeded the amount that can |
| be used by that computer. |
| Decrease the resolution |
| before scanning and sending |
| again, or decrease the |
| number of pages before |
| scanning and sending again. |
| There is no storage directory. | Create a directory. | - |
| The directory is | Allow the directory to be | - |
| written. |
The message | The button has already been | Check if the button has | - |
“Selected | erased from the copier. | already been erased from the |
Scanner key |
| copier, and then reprogram a |
not found” |
| scanner button. |
appears. |
Scanner Mode |