Nortel Networks
Computer Equipment
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Nortel Networks
Using CallPilot P0919416
149 pages
36.24 Kb
Error codes
Value or range Default
Delayed Ring Transfer DRT
Configuring line answering
About resetting CallPilot
Network Access
Setting up a Greeting Table
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Image 14
Chapter 2 Using CallPilot
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CallPilot Telephone Administration Guide
CallPilot 150 Telephone Administration Guide
Chapter Working with mailboxes
Chapter Working with CCR Trees
Chapter Troubleshooting CallPilot
About CallPilot
CallPilot features
Chapter Getting started with CallPilot
Call Center
CallPilot options
Message Networking
Desktop Messaging
How to get help
Getting started with CallPilot P0919416
Using CallPilot with a two line display telephone
Chapter Using CallPilot
System timeout
Who can use CallPilot
Using the dialpad
To enter a character
Symbols and conventions used in this guide
About telephone buttons
Using CallPilot P0919416
Chapter CallPilot mailboxes
About installing mailboxes
System Administrator Mailbox
General Delivery Mailbox
Subscriber mailboxes
When to use Guest mailboxes
Guest mailboxes
Information mailboxes
Mailbox Class of Service
Class of Service features Prompt language
Class of Service values
Class of Service
Mailbox properties
Company Directory
Alternate extensions
Restricting outdialing
To restrict outdialing
Initializing a mailbox
To initialize a mailbox
To add a Subscriber mailbox
Chapter Working with mailboxes
Adding a Subscriber mailbox
Press OK
Adding a Guest mailbox
To add a Guest mailbox
Adding an Information mailbox
To add an Information mailbox
Adding many mailboxes
To add multiple mailboxes
Press OK to end the session
About mailbox passwords
Incorrect password lock-out
Changing a mailbox
To change a mailbox
Service classx
Press Next Press to end the session
Deleting a mailbox
To delete a mailbox
About Group List Numbers
About Group Lists
About Sending Group List messages
Adding a Group List
To add a Group List
Changing a Group List
To change a Group List
Deleting a Group List
To delete a Group List
Chapter Setting up the Automated Attendant
About the Automated Attendant
Greeting Type Default start times
Greeting Tables
About Company Greetings
Recording a Greeting
To record a company Greeting
Setting up a Greeting Table
Custom prompts
To set up a Greeting Table
Chng DAY Next
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Configuring line answering
To configure how a line is answered
Changing line configuration
To change or view how a line is answered
Assigning the number of rings before CallPilot answers
To assign or change the number of rings
Setting up Touchtone Gate
To set up Touchtone Gate
TT gatecustom
About the Clid Routing Table
Destination number Table entry Incoming call example
To route a phone number
To change or delete a phone number in the Clid Routing Table
Chapter Custom Call Routing
About Custom Call Routing
Home node
Planning and designing a CCR Tree
Components of a CCR Tree
Information Messages
Destination types
Mailbox nodes
Transfer nodes
An example of a CCR Tree
⁄ ¤ ‹ ›
Custom Call Routing P0919416
To build a CCR Tree
Chapter Working with CCR Trees
Building a CCR Tree
Creating a Home node
To create a Home node
Adding nodes to the Home node
Adding a Menu node
To add a Menu node
Save Print Quit
Adding an Information node
To add an Information node
Press END
Adding a Mailbox node
To add a Mailbox node
Press END
Adding a Transfer node
To add a Transfer to an internal extension
About transfers to external numbers
To add a Transfer to an external number
Press Othr Press Xfer
Adding special characters to an external transfer number
‹ or Paus
Assigning a CCR Tree to a Greeting Table
To assign a CCR Tree to a Greeting Table
Disabling a CCR Tree
Testing a CCR Tree
To disable a Tree
Deleting a CCR Tree
To delete a Tree
Changing a CCR Tree message
Changing a Mailbox node
To change a Mailbox node
Changing a destination type
To change a destination type
Changing a Transfer node
To change a Transfer node
Deleting a Path
To delete a Path
Press to end the session
To record and send a Broadcast message Norstar Voice Mail
Chapter Broadcast and Information messages
About Broadcast messages
To record and send a Broadcast message CallPilot
Information mailbox messages
About recording an Information mailbox message
Recording an Information mailbox message
To record an Information mailbox message
Chapter CallPilot operations
About resetting CallPilot
To reset CallPilot
Initializing CallPilot
To initialize CallPilot
Resetting the System Administrator password
To reset the System Administrator password
To set the Operator status
Operator settings
Setting the Operator status
Resetting the Operator password
Changing the Operator password
To change the Operator password
Setting the Business Status
Changing the Operator default extension
To change the Operator default extension
To assign Answer Lines
Setting up line answering
To set the Business Status
Setting the Automated Attendant status
To change the Automated Attendant status
CallPilot default system options
Language availability
Group List leading digit
To change the Group List leading digit
To enable or disable voicemail
To enable or disable the Company Directory
Company Directory
To designate the number of channels for outdialing
To enable or disable the General Delivery Mailbox
General Delivery Mailbox
Enabling a software authorization code
To enable a software authorization code
To enable or disable External Mailbox Initialization
External Mailbox Initialization
How the Dialing Translation Table works
Chapter Dialing Translation
About Dialing Translation
Examples of Dialing Translation Tables
Input Output
Network Access
Setting Dialing Translation properties
To set the Dialing Translation properties
Building a Dialing Translation Table
To build a Dialing Translation Table
Reviewing entries in the Dialing Translation Table
To review Dialing Translation Table entries
Changing a Dialing Translation Table entry
To change an entry in the Dialing Translation Table
Deleting a Dialing Translation Table entry
To delete an entry in the Dialing Translation Table
Chapter Troubleshooting CallPilot
Telephone cannot be forwarded to the system
Verify the correct extension is assigned to the mailbox
You cannot create a Group List
CallPilot error messages
Already a member
Invalid key
Mbox not init
Not recorded
Ringing lines and answer buttons
Chapter CallPilot configuration tips
Delayed answering by the Automated Attendant
Ringing Answer button
CallPilot configuration tips
Central receptionist
How to set up CallPilot for different businesses
CallPilot for a small business On Your Toes Dance Studio
Greeting for On Your Toes
Costume Room
CallPilot for a medium business Bridge Stone Engineering
Customer Service and Sales department
Greeting for Bridge Stone Engineering
Shipping and Receiving
Feature Compatibility
Delayed Ring Transfer DRT
Language choice
Service Modes
CallPilot configuration tips P0919416
Chapter Default configuration values
Value or range Default
Default configuration values
Message storage times
Default configuration values P0919416
See Custom Call Routing
Feature code used to leave messages in CallPilot mailboxes
Storage place for messages on the CallPilot system
Returning CallPilot to its original default settings
Push button telephone that emits Dtmf tones
Glossary P0919416
Troubleshooting 113 Accessing a line or line Pool