Wireless > WEP/WPA Encryption
WPA-PSK Settings
Encryption Mode: In the Authentication Type field, select
WPA Settings:
•Cypher Type: select TKIP. Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) is a protocol for enforcing key integrity on a
•Group Key Update: Select the how to determine when to update the key. Select By Timeout to generate a new group key after an interval specified in seconds. Select By Packet to generate a new group key after a specific number of packets. Select Disabled to use a static key.
•Interval: If you selected By Timeout, enter the number of seconds before WPA automatically gen- erates a new group key.
•Packet Threshold: If you selected By Packet, select the number (x 1000) of packets to pass before generating a new group key.
Preshared Key Settings (PSK)
•Passphrase: Enter the passphrase from which the key is generated. Click Apply in the top right corner to apply your WPA settings.
WPA-EAP Settings
Encryption Mode: In the Authentication Type field, select