CHAPTER 25: Configuring Advanced Wireless Settings
Wireless Client Communications
1Enter the number of clients to associate with the TZ 50 Wireless/TZ 150 Wireless/TZ 170 Wireless in the Maximum Client Associations field. The default value is 32 which means 32 users can access the WLAN at the same time. However, an unlimited number of wireless clients can access the WLAN because node licensing does not apply to the WLAN.
2If you do not want wireless clients communicating to each other, select Disabled from the Interclient Communications menu. If you want wireless clients communicating with each other, select Enabled. Enabling and disabling Interclient communications changes the associated network access rule on the Firewall > Access Rules page.
3Guests on the wireless network can download the SonicWALL Global VPN Client to install on their computer or laptop. Type the URL location for the software in the VPN Client Download URL http field. This field can contain up to 128 characters.
Advanced Radio Settings
Configurable Antenna Diversity (TZ 170 Wireless)
The TZ 170 Wireless employs dual 5 dBi antennas running in diversity mode. The default implementation of diversity mode means that one antenna acts as a transmitting, and both antennas act as potential receiving antenna. As radio signals arrive at both antennas on the TZ 170 Wireless, the strength and integrity of the signals are evaluated, and the best received signal is used. The selection process between the two antennas is constant during operation to always provide the best possible signal.
To allow for external (e.g. higher gain
Clearing the Enable Antenna Diversity checkbox presents a