CHAPTER 2: Basic SonicWALL Security Appliance Setup
If You Have DSL
Your ISP is probably using PPPoE to dynamically authenticate your login and assign an address to your computer. You will need:
User Name:
Note: Your ISP may require your user name to include the “@” symbol and the domain name, for example, “Joe@sonicwall.com”
If You Have a Static IP Address
Your ISP may have assigned you a static IP address for your computer. If so, the paperwork or
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS (optional):
If Your ISP Provided You With a Server IP Address, User Name, and Password
Your ISP may be using PPTP to establish a secure connection between your computer and a server. You will need:
Server Address:
User Name:
If you are unsure what kind of connection you have, the paperwork or
Other Information
SonicWALL Management Interface
To access the SonicWALL security appliance
User Name: admin
Password: password
Note: If you are not using one of the network configurations above, refer to Chapter 3, Configuring Network Settings.