Block Character Sizes
Block Characters
Block characters use the same basic formatting as descr ibed in Control
Sequences earlier in this manual and can be printed in two different densities:
Normal Density (^M)
Characters will print 60 DPI vertically x 72 DPI horizontally.
Double Density (^D)
Characters will print 120 DPI vertically x 72 DPI horizontally.
In either Normal or Double Density modes, a Carriage Return/Lin e Feed acts
simply as a command terminator. Their usual functions will not be car ried out.

Block Character Sizes

Individual block characters can be printed in the following s izes:
Height - the height of each block character ranges from 0.24 - 15 inches
Width - the width of each block character ranges from 0.20 to 12.5 inches

Normal Density (^M) Examples

After data is printed and terminated with a <CRLF>, the next current print
position is at the bottom right corner of the last characte r printed. The next
data to be printed resets the cursor position to the top right corner before
printing. This causes all the block characters to align a long their tops.
^M6;6 <CRLF DEF ^M4;4 <CRLF> GHI^M2;2 <CRLF> JKL <CRLF> prints:
To align the baselines of these characters, the cursor position must be
manipulated vertically using the Relative Cursor Mo ve (^R) control sequence
defined earlier under Control Sequences.