Barcode Command Parameters
Magnification Value (X-Factor)
Optional parameter that specifies a horizontal expansion amount (X-Fac tor)
for the barcode output. When used this value causes an increase i n the
physical size of the barcode. Ta b l e 39 lists the expandable barcodes and
allowable expansion factors.
Hn (Height Expansion)
Optional parameter that specifies height expansion of barcode and h uman
readable character output. Adjustments are made in 0.1 inch incremen ts.
The valid range of selections is 4 to 99 (0.4 to 9.9 inches). The default value is
0.9 inches.
Enter: H followed by the desired expansion amount.
H1 = Expansion of 0.1”
H20 = Expansion of 2.0”
H45 = Expansion of 4.5”
Tabl e 39. X-Factor VS Barcode Style
ENTER Barcode Style
X-Factor C3/9 C128B C128C I2/5 MSI A, B, C,
& D
X1 
X1A  
X1B  
X1.5  
X2 
X3 ���
X4 