Example 6:To place OPTION directly under GRAPHICS, a pass terminator
(^-^*) must be placed after the end of the first pass but before the
beginning of the second pass:
^M0404000GRAPHICS^-^*M0404053OPTION^- will now print:
Example 7:This example shows horizontal block characters with varying
degrees of justification.
The Graphics Pass: ^M0303060P^M0303040a^M0303020s^M03030 00s^-
First Command - ^M0303060
^M Horizontal orienta tion of characters.
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0 .76 cm).
06 Justified down 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) .
0 No additional dot rows of jus tification.
P Data to be printed.
Second Command - ^M0303040a
^M Horizontal orienta tion of characters.
03 Character height of 0.3 inches (0.76 cm).
03 Character width of 0.3 inches (0 .76 cm).
04 Justified down 0.4 inches (1.0 cm) .
0 No additional dot rows of jus tification.