High Density Barcode
Example 1:Barcodes can be e xpanded by doubling the ratio of the light/dark
bars. Code 39, which is normally 1:1:3:3 can be printed doub le
wide by sending the Version 2 Graphics Pass,
^M0505000^IBARC,C39,R2:2:6:6,E,12345^G^- prints:
Example 2:Barcodes can al so be expanded by replacing the ratio numbers in
Table 3, page 65, with other values that are not exact multiples.
The Version 2 Graphics Pass,
High Density Barcode
Normally, barcodes print at 60 DPI horizontally. For improved readability, they
may also print at 120 DPI. The 120 DPI, High Density Mode can b e toggled
ON and OFF by the command:
Command KF
Example: The command sequence
^M0505000^KF^IBARC,C39,B,MAU THE CAT^G^KF prints:
^KF first turns the High Density mode for barcodes ON, then the b arcode is
printed. The second ^KF turns High Density Mode OFF.
NOTE: Darkbar Control Panel settings overrides ^KF if Darkbar is ON.