Chapter 3 Form Drawing
d Additional horizontal positioning of the first vertical
line in dot columns, ranging from 0 to 9.
t Thickness of the first vertical line in dot columns,
ranging from 1 to 9.
... Represents a repeat of the llldt command for each
additional vertical line to be printed. The distance
between each vertical line is additive, i.e., each
additional vertical line is placed relative to the
previous line, not from the left margin.
^G Com mand Terminator
Example 1:The Graphics Pa ss ^LF03000150110050010100101003^G prints
the following box and vertical lines.
^LF The Form command
0300 Horizontal box d imension of 3.0 inches with no
additional dot columns.
0150 Vertical box dimens ion of 1.5 inches with no
additional dot rows.
1 Thickness of each horiz ontal border is 1 dot row.
1 Thickness of each verti cal border is 1 dot column.
005 First vertical line is positioned 0.5 inches fro m left
edge of box.
0 No additional dot columns added to position of first
vertical line.
1 Thickness of the first vertical line is 1 dot column.
010 Second vertical line is positioned 1.0 inches from
the first vertical line.
0 No additional dot columns added to position of
second vertical line.
1 Thickness of second vertical line is 1 dot column.
010 Third vertical line is positioned 1.0 inches fro m the
second vertical line.
0 No additional dot column s added to position of third
vertical line.
3 Thickness of third vertical line is 3 dot columns.
^G Com mand Terminator