Chapter 4
NOTE: We cannot guarantee tha barcode data with unique ratios other tha n
those listed above will result in readable printer output. W hen using
unique ratios, make sure that the wide and narrow bar ratios conform
to requirements for readability.
Example 1:The following com mand is the Version 2 equivalent of Example 1
in the Version 1 barcode section:
^M0515000^IBARC,C39,N,12345^G^- prints:
^M0515000 Specifies that the barcode is horizontal with a
height of 0.5 inches.
^IBARC Turns ON the Barcode mode.
C39 Selects barcode style Code 29 from Table 3,
page 65.
N Turns OFF human-readable character printing.
12345 The data to be encoded into a barcode.
^G Com mand Terminator
Example 2:As an example of a Version 2 barcode with human-readable
character translation, ^M0505000^IBARC,C39,B,12345^G^-
^M0505000 Sets up h orizontal orientation and sets the barcode
height to 0.5 inches.
^IBARC, Turns ON the Barcode Mode.
C39, Selects the first barcode style in Table 3, page 65,
(Code 39).
B, Places human-readable characters below the
12345 The data to be encoded as a barcode and printed
as human readable characters.
^G Com mand Terminator