Chapter 2 Half-Tone
Example 2:Sending the Graphics Pass ^M0303000^R^Dfghij^R^D^- with
Descender Mode ON prints:
NOTE: The dark background of Reverse Image extends three dot rows
below the descenders.
Lines, boxes, and characters are printed in solid black , but they can also be
printed in patterns of dots. These patterns are called half-tones. M any half
tone patterns are available, such as vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines, as
well as many other designs.
The selected pattern becomes the default pattern as long as the Graph ics
Mode is enabled. Once Graphics Mode is disabled using the command ^PN^-
, the dot pattern defaults to the pattern corresponding to 04 hex.
See Appendix D, “Patterns” on page 273 for all available half-tone patterns.
The following command is used to turn on the Half-Tone Mode as well as to
select a half-tone pattern:
Command ^KLxx<data>
^KL Turns ON the Hfl-Tone Mode.
xx Sp ecifies the half-tone pattern, where xx equals
any hex number between 00 and FF.
<data> Data to be printed using the selected pattern.
Example: The Graphics Pass ^M0303000^KL02DOT PATTERN^- prints:
^KL Turns ON the Half-Tone Mode.
02 Selects the half-tone pattern co rresponding to 02.
Data to be printed using the selected pattern.