Code 128
If you need to print a Carriage Return (hex.0D, dec.13), as part of a barcode ,
send ">M" (13 + 64 = 77, see character set table to verify tha t decimal 77
equals the capital letter "M"). This substitution process can be carried out
throughout the range of decimal values, i.e., ">d" (de cimal 100) equates to the
dollar symbol (decimal 36). If the greater-than symbol m ust be transmitted,
send ">0" (the 0 will not be part of the printed data).
The Code 128 barcode style selection can also be done man ually. This is
done by adding a style selection character to the beginning o f the barcode
data. Choose code A, B, or C from the table of special characters below:
When a style selection has been made, character data will be tra nslated from
the selected code style to the Code 128 repesentation. Se e Figure 11 on
page 254.
Tabl e 45. Special Characters
Character Code 128
“>0 30 (“<“)
“>1” 95
“>2” 96
“>3” 97
“>4” 98
“>5” 99 (Code C)
“>6” 100 (Code B)
“>7” 101 (Code A)
“>8” 102