Chapter 3 Line Drawing
Example 2:The command ^LD001 00210^- prints a vertical dashed line
0.10 inch wide and 2.1 inches (5.3 cm) tall.
^LD Dashed Line command
0010 Specifies a horiz ontal dimension of 0.1 inches.
0210 Specifies a vertica l dimension of 2.1 inches.
Example 3:Dashed lines w ill print horizontally if the horizontal and vertical
dimensions are the same. The command ^LD01000100 will prin t
a series of vertical stripes 0.1 inches (0.25 cm) wide across a
space that is 1.0 inches (2.5 cm) square.
^LD Dashed Line command
0100 Horizontal dimensi on of 1.0 inches.
0100 Vertical dimens ion of 1.0 inches.