9PGL Command Set

PGL Command Set Standards

To use the PGL commands, follow a set of standards in constructing the
commands you send to your printer.

Special Function Control Character (SFCC)

The SFCC identifies Special Function Commands that are used in NORMAL
Mode and Execute Mode. The character you use for the SFCC is bas ed on
the host computer interface requirements of your system. The SFCC mu st be
a printable character and it must be placed at the beginning of a new line
before the command or data. The default SFCC is ~ (tilde). This char acter
may be changed using the SFCC Change Command or by accessing the
Configuration menu through the printer control panel.
Since the SFCC can be changed to any printable character and may be
different due to your host computer requirements we will use the symbol to
represent the SFCC in all command sequences.

Parameter Delimiter

Each parameter on the command line must be separated from other
parameters by a delimiter. The delimiter recognized by your printer is the
semicolon (;).
NOTE: Do not place blank spaces between the delimiter and the next
parameter. A missing or misplaced delimiter causes an error.


The PGL language requires that all commands be entered in upper-case

Line Terminator

In PGL each command line must be terminated by a Line Feed, Car riage
Return with a Line Feed, or a Form Feed command. If you do not termina te
the command line properly, the command will not be accepted by your printer.
Refer to your system documentation to determine how to per form a terminator
function (Line Feed, Carriage Return with Line Feed, or a Form Feed