
Table A-2: SDH Default Overhead


A1 and A2 are set to (hexadecimal) F6H and 28H, respectively.


The J0 byte is set to the 16-byte string “Tektronix/BTT”. The first byte of this



string is the CRC.


B1 contains computed BIP-8.


All other Section OverHead (SOH) set to 00H.




For each channel, the first H1 is set to 6AH and the first H2 is set to 0AH.


For concatenated structures, subsequent H1’s are set to 93H and H2’s are set to



FFH filling the remaining pointer values for the structure before repeating first


H1, H2.


H3’s are all set to 00H.


B2 contains (192) computed BIP-8. B2 contains computed BIP-Nx24.


All other Line OverHead (LOH) set to 00H.




B3 contains computed BIP-8.


The J1 byte is set to the 16-byte string “Tektronix/BTT”. The first byte of this


string is the CRC.


All other Path OverHead (POH) set to 00H.



Through Mode

BERT mode: Generates an unframed and unscrambled PRBS data pattern. Fixed data patterns of all ones, all zeros, or user byte are not allowed in this mode. Random Bit Errors can be inserted. No other settings or controls, for example structure, overhead, and anomalies, apply in this mode.

Non-intrusive mode: External 10 Gb/s data signal is passed through the module without modification.

Intrusive mode (Active Through Mode): Allows overhead bytes to be overwritten while regenerating the received 10 Gb/s signal. Alarms and errors can also be added to the received signal prior to retransmission. Several Overhead bytes in the first STS-3c (or first 3 STS-1’s) (SONET) or AU-4 (SDH) may be independently set as hexadecimal values in the range of 00 to FF. The A1, A2, B1, B2, and H1-H3 bytes may not be overwritten. The settable bytes include J0, E1, F1, D1-D3, K1, K2, D4-D12, S1, and E2. Clear-text coding and dedicated menus for S1 (Synchronization Status Byte) and K1/K2 (MSP-Multiplex Section Protection/ APS – Automatic Protection Switching) bytes may also be overwritten. The B1/B2/B3 bytes may be recalculated.

NOTE: M1 may not be explicitly edited but the overwrite control must be set to allow REI-L anomalies to be inserted in through mode.

The path overhead may also be overwritten. B3 may be recalculated. J1, C2, F2, H4, Z3/F3, Z4/K3, and Z5/N1 are the path overhead bytes available for overwriting. The payload can be replaced with an internally generated payload by selecting the “Overwrite Payload” control.

OTS9100 User Manual


Page 216
Image 216
Tektronix 071-0855-05 user manual Through Mode, Table A-2 SDH Default Overhead Regenerator, Multiplexer